5 Cloth to Pack for Your First Backpacking Trip

5 Cloth to Pack for Your First Backpacking Trip

Backpacking is a mental and endurance test that you engage yourself and your friends in for a few days. This adventurous test can, however, turn into a nightmare if you pack the wrong gear. As such, this will force you to cancel your trip within the first few hours into the escapade. So, to avoid such scenarios here is an article about 5 clothes to pack for our first backpacking trip.

When it comes to selecting the best clothes for backpacking, there are a lot of options for you to consider. However, here are the five basic clothes to consider for such a trip.

Consider clothes made of cotton and wool

Woollen fibres are touted as a suitable way of keeping warm during the cold. Woollen clothes have fibres that are structured to trap air in between them. As such, this makes them breathable and poor conductors of heat. Additionally, clothes made from wool are wrinkle-free and resistant to odour hence suitable for such activities. Like wool, cotton fabric is also a good option for a backpacking trip. This is mainly because cotton functions as a good insulator when it’s cold.

Shop for shirts, pants, and shorts

If you are going on a backpacking trip, then you should consider buying a bunch of shorts and trousers. Shorts are practical if you’ll be hiking during the day or when it’s warm. Trousers, on the other hand, will keep you safe from the cold and is suitable for cruising jangles and forests. If you are a guy, consider buying Thai fisherman pants or wrap pants. However, if you are female, consider carrying yoga pants/tights for easy movement.

Once your shorts and pants are in order, you should carry a generous number of shirts. Shirts are inexpensive and comfortable to wear. They are also useful in such instances since they can be layered with a coat/jacket easily.

Pack your accessories well

The next items to consider packing for your trip are your accessories. These may include socks, hats, gloves, and scarves. Most individuals avoid packing their accessories when going for backpacking. However, these items are necessary and might be the difference between comfort and discomfort. Socks, for instance, are essential to keep your feet warm. This impact also applies to scarves and hats and gloves. Other accessories to consider are bandanas and glasses if you are planning to explore a warm area.

Bring your sleepwear along

A good backpacking trip is only as good as the camping trip. If you are going to camp on your trip, then the chances are that you are going to sleep out in the woods. As such, this will require you to bring along nightwear, simply because your hiking wear will be smelly and stuffy. Your sleepwear should be comfortable and warm and should be able to sustain you throughout the night. For this bring a spare tee, socks, muffins, and pants; explicitly reserved for sleeping. Note that if you are comping in a hot area, you can drop the socks and muffins to avoid overheating.

Prepare for a wet and cold experience

Backpacking trips are about spending time outdoors; this means that you might be rained on. So to keep dry during this time, campers should pack a spare raincoat and Thai fisherman pants.

The bottom line

As seen above, getting ready for a backpacking trip can be a strenuous chore, especially if you are a first-timer. This is because there are only a handful number of articles on the internet with the right information about backpacking. Luckily, with the above system to implement, we bet that your backpacking trip will be fun and memorable. Also, this article should come in handy on the clothes you should carry along to ensure maximized comfort.

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